Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pictures, pictures, finally pictures

Pictures!  (Hoping it works this time)

Detail of monastery in Pokhara

Kids and Jeny in front of Pokhara Monastery

We flew into Jomsom and later trekked out.

Cooper with Hindi pilgrim on gondola after visit to temple

jeny with some of Ranjan's family

Boys doing homework at Jeny's Pokhara house

Buddhist ceremony (around fasting) in Pokhara monastery

Elephant races!

Ranjan's aunt cooking at his family's house

Great shot of Jeny and her dad

View from Jeny's house in Pokhara

Ranjan's family and house in Kirtipur

Jeny's Mom Basanti Lalchan

Kenzie doing tons of math homework, honest!

Pokhara Street Scene

Wish you were here and love to you all!!



  1. Just so you know there's a lot of us WMOMs following this adventure via the blog and the list. Everything sounds amazing... and definitely some classic Robin-adventure tales. Can't wait for you & the boys to fill in the missing photos.

  2. I see them! I see them! What fabulous adventures.
    - Susan M.
